The Libraries
Scotch Plains Public Library
Fanwood Memorial Library
Outside Links of Interest
We try and keep the focus of the resources we provide here at primarily on libraries and service to those on the ASD spectrum and their families, and the areas and topics where the two cross paths.
From time to time however we are made aware of other resources that may be of interest to some of our users. We are providing those links HERE... |
New Links of Interest
Autism: The Continuous Push for Awareness by by Michelle Terhune for adddresses the need for ongoing awareness, and covers information on insurance coverage for autism treatment, specific U.S. State laws and what Americans can expect.
How to Create a Backyard Sanctuary for Kids with Disabilities by
Autism Parenting Magazine's "Resouces for Parents" is a nicely compiled list of autism resources to help guide you in the right direction whether you're a parent, family member, caregiver or teacher of someone with autism, or you are on the spectrum yourself.
Check out the San Jose Library's impressive Inclusive Services Training for Library Staff. It's a great series of videos and resources all librarians could benefit from.
This Autism Resource Guide was passed along by Kelly Graves and the kids she mentors at her local community center who found it online. There are lots of good links on a broad spectrum of autism related issues.
Books for Librarians and Teachers is a listing of some of the best new books on libraries and service to those with ASD and other developmental disabilities. We shared this list with the students in our online Moodle class presented in early 2014.
Project ENABLE: Expanding Non-discriminatory Access By Librarians Everywhere is a collaborative project of Syracuse University's School of Information Studies, Center for Digital Literacy, and Burton Blatt Institute. It provides high quality, comprehensive, train-the-trainer continuing education program for school librarians nationwide in ways to create and deliver effective library and information services to students with disabilities.
Although it's aimed primarily at school librarians, the program can resonate with all librarians interested in raising their level of understanding of and sensitivity for the library and information needs of students with disabilities and their ability to develop programs and services, provide adequate facilities, and select appropriate resources and technologies to meet those needs.
Barbara Bissonnette has a terrific new book called "The Complete Guide to Getting a Job for People with Asperger's Syndrome", and through her company, Forward Motion Coaching, helps indivduals with Asperger's Syndrome, High-Functioning Autism, and Nonverbal Learning Disorder find satisfying work that utilizes thier strengths and weakness through job and career development coaching.
Take a look at this fantastic infographic, Autism 101: What we Know Today. This terrific overview of autism was developed by's team of expert designers, using meticulous data research accompanied by visually appealing color combinations and pictures. Thanks to Pamela Brooks (who helped with the creation) for sending it our way.
How-to Accomodate Special Needs Children on the Playground has some great links on this important topic with links and tips for dealing with a variety of situations and special needs. Thanks to Kim Hart (who put this article together) for sharing it with us.
Lauren Collier, who blogs for Autism and Asperger's related causes and foundations along with those who are involved in special education, and writes for the special ed site, sent us this link to her new post, 101 Noteworthy Sites on Asperger's and the Autism Spectrum. It is a fun, informative and helpful list for everyone - especially anyone involved with or who has a loved one with special needs. Thanks Lauren!.
A is for Autism, F is for Friend is a wonderful book by Joanna Keating-Velasco that offers lessons in understanding, acceptance and friendship. It demonstrates that we are all completely unique individuals and that if we look closely enough at people, the similarities may outweigh the differences. By providing answers for kids instead of avoiding discussions, we enable children to understand and appreciate each person as an individual. It's a great tool for parents and adults looking for effective ways of speaking to kids about autism.
Here's a good up-to-date overview of Asperger's Syndrome with links to more solid resources: Mental Health and Asperger's Syndrome. Thanks to Aiden (who's in the Youth 2gether Summer Camp) for sharing a piece of his "Proud To Be Me" project with us!
Autism in the Museum - A clearinghouse of best practices, models, ideas, resources and research about making museums, zoos, aquariums and other informal educational settings both welcoming and inclusive for people with autism and their familes. This is a great new website that just went live, put into place through a lot of networking and coordination by Lisa Jo Rudy, who used to be the author of It's a great resource for families.
Helping Children with Autism
Communicating with an Autistic Child: A Parent's Guide
Working with Students with Disabilities - Broader than just autism-specific, there are some good tips and links here on this site that focuses on disabilities travel.
The Wakanheza [\wa-'khan-ja\] Project is an exciting program we heard about in Minnesota recently that seems to speak perfectly to librarians dealing with all kinds of behavior issues. Wakanheza is the Dakota word for child, or literally,"sacred being". The underlying philosophy is that if we treat each other as sacred beings, libraries and communities would be more welcoming and supportive places. The project is built around 6 principles that allow individuals and communities to better connect with and provide welcoming, healthy environments and interactions for children, young people, and families. The principles include suspending judgment, practicing empathy and respect and more; but one beautiful, central idea that can be very effective is: "The Moment: We can not be sure what happened before, or what will happen next... but we can decide to positively help out in the Moment." An outlook like this will really serve you well when working with all patrons, and especially with individuals on the spectrum.
This BROCHURE explains it all very well, outlines the guiding principles and more. It notes that "The Saint Paul (MN) Public Library incorporates The Wakanheza Project as a core element of their employee training and performance appraisals" and that "the Ramsey County (MN) Public Libraries are implementing The Wakanheza Project throughout their system."
Disability is Natural - * A thought provoking and inspirational website that has some deep implications for ways of thinking about and providing unversal and inclusive library services.
It's brought to you by Kathie Snow and BraveHeart Press, Kathie's family-owned small business. Disability is Natural's mission is to encourage new ways of thinking about developmental disabilities, in the belief that our attitudes drive our actions, and changes in our attitudes and actions can help create a society where all children and adults with developmental disabilities have opportunities to live the lives of their dreams, included in all areas of life. As a parent, author, and trainer, Kathie challenges conventional wisdom and promotes new attitudes, new actions, and common sense in the disability arena.
Hacking Autism - A fascinating intiative whose mission is to develop innovative, touch-enabled applications for the autism community and make this software available for free on
Technology and Hope - When touch-enabled computing was introduced to the world, no one could have anticipated that this technology might help open up a new world of communication, learning and social possibilities for autistic children. Yet it has. Hacking Autism is a story of technology and hope and the difference it's making in the lives of some people who need it most. Hacking Autism doesn't seek to cure autism, but rather it aims to facilitate and accelerate technology-based ideas to help give those with autism a voice.
Kudos to the Lancaster (PA) Public Library for putting together a model Autism Resource Center that provides a wide array of resources for the community in a terrific space. Browse the Rescource Center's Online Catalog and visit the site to download their online "Going to the Library" social storybooks for Preschoolers and Teens
Wretches and Jabberers - This compelling new documentary, directed by Oscar winner Gerardine Wurzburg, follows Tracy Thresher (42) and Larry Bissonnette (52) who both have autism, as they embark on a global quest to change attitudes about disability and intelligence. Their world tour message is that the same possibility exists for others like themselves. At each stop, they dissect public attitudes about autism and issue a hopeful challenge to reconsider competency and the future. Along the way, they reunite with old friends from the USA, expand the isolated world of a talented young painter and make new allies in their cause.
J. Ralph, who composed the soundtrack score, was so moved by the men's story that he wrote another 20 songs and asked some of music's best-known artists to give voice to them. Norah Jones, Carly Simon, Scarlett Johannson, Ben Harper, Bob Weir, Steven Stills and Vincent Gallo have all lent their voices to the soundtrack, which will be released Tuesday (January 11, 2011) on iTunes. The film will be released in theaters in April in honor of National Autism Awareness Month
From beginning to end, Thresher and Bissonnette inspire parents and young men and women with autism with a poignant narrative of personal struggle that always rings with intelligence, humor, hope and courage.For more about the film, screenings and to watch the trailer go to the website:
Autism: On the Spectrum - This is a solid accessible overview of ASD that includes many good links to help broaden and expand one's knowledge. THANKS to one of Ms. Ward's 10th grade students for the tip!
Make Friends With Autism - A wonderful, wide-ranging new project the Autism Center of Excellence at Children's Specialized Hospital that focuses on autism awareness and inclusionary practices for the business community. Inspired by Libraries and Autism, this wonderful resource has a terrific and varied set of resources.
Friends Like You. Friends Like Me is another amazing educational community outreach initiative of Children's Specialized Hospital, designed to help educate children about autism spectrum disorder and provide the tools necessary to facilitate friendships among children. This program encourages recognition of children's similarities, reinforces the common desire to be accepted and have friends, demystifies autism in an age-appropriate manner, and promotes inclusion, respect, and friendship between children of all abilities in all facets of their lives. Use these materials and resources to encourage understanding and acceptance and to reduce intimidation and bullying.
Our Partners
Community Partnership for People with Autism
Dedicated to providing information to parents and children who live with the challenges of autism. The goal is to help guide and support the educational, emotional, spiritual, and social welfare of children with autism and their families in all aspects of our community.
Autism New Jersey (formerly COSAC: The New Jersey Center for Outreach and Services for the Autism Community)
Autism New Jersey is a nonprofit agency providing information and advocacy, services, family and professional education, and consultation. Autism New Jersey encourages responsible basic and applied research that may lessen the effects of, and potentially prevent, autism. Autism New Jersey is dedicated to ensuring that all people with autism receive appropriate, effective services to maximize their growth potential and to enhancing the general public's overall awareness of autism.
Children's Specialized Hospital
The Autism Center of Excellence at Children's Specialized Hospital works with children from birth through 21 years of age, who have an autism spectrum disorder (Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder or Rett's Syndrome).
The Center is dedicated to improving the lives of children, adolescents and families with autism spectrum disorders by providing comprehensive evaluations, treatment, community education and research.
Other INFOLINK Autism Projects - NJ Welcoming Library Spaces for the Autism Community & Their Families
Additional Autism Resources
Austim Speaks offers a number of very good Family Support Tool Kits (, including ones for siblings, parents, grandparents and friends. The purpose of each kit is to help teach family members and friends more about autism and its effects on families, and provide resources and support to enable them to lead happy and successful lives with their loved ones with autism.
CELL Center for Early Literacy Learning
These downloadable 'Practice Guides with Adaptations' make it easier for young children with disabilities to participate in early literacy learning activities. Written for both parents and practitioners, the practice guides describe everyday home, community, and childcare learning opportunities that encourage early literacy learning.
ASAN The Autistic Self Advocacy Network
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network seeks to advance the principles of the disability rights movement in the world of autism. Drawing on the principles of the cross-disability community on issues such as inclusive education, community living supports and others, ASAN seeks to organize the community of Autistic adults and youth to have our voices heard in the national conversation about us. In addition, ASAN seeks to advance the idea of neurological diversity, putting forward the concept that the goal of autism advocacy should not be a world without Autistic people. Instead, it should be a world in which Autistic people enjoy the same access, rights and opportunities as all other citizens. Working in fields such as public policy, media representation, research and systems change, ASAN hopes to empower Autistic people across the world to take control of their own lives and the future of our common community. Nothing About Us, Without Us!
ASA - The Autism Society of America
The Autism Society, the nation’s leading grassroots autism organization, exists to improve the lives of all affected by autism. We do this by increasing public awareness about the day-to-day issues faced by people on the spectrum, advocating for appropriate services for individuals across the lifespan, and providing the latest information regarding treatment, education, research and advocacy.
Autism Speaks
Autism Speaks. It's time to listen. Autism Speaks, the world's largest autism advocacy organization, aims to bring the autism community together as one strong voice to urge the government and private sector to listen to our concerns and take action to address this urgent global health crisis. It is our firm belief that, working together, we will find the missing pieces of the puzzle.
Check out their rich Resources Guide.
National Autism Association
The mission of the National Autism Association is to educate and empower families affected by autism and other neurological disorders, while advocating on behalf of those who cannot fight for their own rights. We will educate society that autism is not a lifelong incurable genetic disorder but one that is biomedically definable and treatable. We will raise public and professional awareness of environmental toxins as causative factors in neurological damage that often results in an autism or related diagnosis. We will encourage those in the autism community to never give up in their search to help their loved ones reach their full potential, funding efforts toward this end through appropriate research for finding a cure for the neurological damage from which so many affected by autism suffer.
Two important resources for library staff to have access to when a parent with a newly diagnosed child asks for information:
First 100 Days Kit: Critical information for families in the first 100 days after an autism diagnosis
Could it be Austism? A parent's guide to the first signs and next steps
With 1 in 50 individuals now being diagnosed as being somewhere along the autism specturm, children are sure to have questions. Here are some good websites for them. (from School Library Journal, Curriculum Connections, Spring 2008):
"Accepting Asperger's Syndrome" a personal blog by psychology major Kate Goldfield who lives with the condition. (Grades 6 an up)
"Kids' Quest on Disability and Health" This site from the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities helps students explore what autism is and their own attitudes about it. (Grades 3 - 6)
KidsHealth for Kids: Autism The Nemours Foundation offers a short vignette about an unresponsive preschooler and goes on to define the disorder and provide information on treatments. (Grades 3 - 6)
Resources for librarians and families about Assistive Technology:
Assistive Technology Resource Pack for Early Intervention Families and Professionals: Frequently Asked Questions about Assistive Technology
"Assistive Technology for Children with Autism" by Susan Stokes, Autism Consultant National Public Website on Assistive Technology
Some basic brochures and useful informative resources for your children's section:
The CDC has many useful resources:
Learn the Signs. Act Early (CDC)
Their Download Page has a wealth of links to things of interest
The American Academy of Pediatrics also has useful links and resources on thier Council on Children with Disabilities Autism page