Grant Description
Each year, a total of $5,000.00 will be awarded. Depending on the applications received, one grant for the full amount or multiple grants for smaller amounts totaling $5,000.00 may be awarded.
Any type of library in the United States or Canada can apply, and the proposal can fund projects and services for any age group. Applicants may propose to initiate a new, creative program or service, bring an already-existing, successful program or service to their library for the first time, or enhance a program or service they already offer. All programs or services proposed must benefit people with autism or their families, directly or indirectly. Funds may be used to hire a trainer to present a workshop, to buy program materials, to pay for staff, etc.
Criteria for Selection:
Applications will be judged on the basis of:
1. The project is clearly described and well thought out.
2. The potential impact is significant.
3. There is institutional support for the program or service
4. People with autism, family members or other community stakeholders are involved in the
development and/or implementation of the project.
5. The program is one that would be replicable in other communities.
6. The program or service is based on an understanding of the needs of people with autism and/or
best practices in working with this population.
7. There is a plan for the continuation of the service or program after the grant year.
8. The project would not be possible without outside funding.
Please direct any questions to Barbara Klipper:
Grant Committee Members
- Daniel F. Flores - Public Services Librarian, Judith J. Carrier Library, Tarrant County (TX) College Southeast Campus
- Barbara Klipper - Retired Librarian, Consultant and Trainer
- Adria Nassim - Autism Self-Advocate
- Suzanne Schriar - Associate Director, Illinois Library Automation & Technology, Illinois State Library
- Jen Taggart - Asst. Dept. Head, Youth Services, Bloomfield Township (MI) Public Library
- Debra Vines - Founder/Executive Director of The Answer, Inc.
- Dan Weiss - Director, Fanwood (NJ) Memorial Library; Libraries & Autism, Library Connections, LLC
- Meg Kolaya - Libraries & Autism, Library Connections, LLC

This grant is funded by Barbara Klipper, librarian and author of Programming for Children and Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ALA, 2014) and The Secret Rules of Social Networking (AAPC Publishing, 2014), a resource for teens and young adults with ASD and other social skills deficits that outlines the unstated rules that guide relationships in person and online.